Upper Chapel and Cefn Gledwen
This is a pleasant, not particularly strenuous walk. Start from the end of Section 8 on the B4519. After a short way, the route goes onto a small road before rejoining the B4519 to proceed into Upper Chapel. The route heads up onto Cefn Gledwen moor to go on to join the B4520, then back onto the EW, Section 1 and return to start point. A map should be taken as some sections can be unclear in low cloud.
Map : All grid references are from OS Explorer Maps 181 or 188 – Builth Wells
Start and Finish Point : End Section 8 by Red Kite layby on B4519, (SN 995 428)
Distance: 6.5 miles/ 10.5kms
Walking Time : Allow about 3 hours
Ascent/descent: About 150ms down and up, gentle
Access/Parking : Access at Red Kite layby, by start.

Route Narrative
The walk starts at the end of Section 8 by the Red Kite parking layby on the B4519, (SN 995 428). Proceed along the EW to meet a small road at marker post 866.
The road soon peters out into a pleasant sunken track. This ends at the junction of the fields and the moor with a horse gate, (SO 020 407).
On reaching the road, a small access gate to the Epynt Way will be visible (slightly to the left). Carefully cross the road and take the route, keeping to the right of the conifer block to reach a gravel track at a trig point.
Turn left and go along this small quiet road parallel with the B4519 through a farm and to a chapel. Continue along the lane to rejoin the B4519, (SO 003 415). Turn right and go down to the junction with the B4520. Turn right to follow this road down then up the hill into the hamlet of Upper Chapel. Be careful as the B4520 can be busy.
Take the obvious left turn just before the community hall, (SO 007 406). The building opposite was once the Plough and Harrow pub.
You are now on open moor and there will be several paths which can be confusing. Begin by keeping parallel to the field fence on the left and gradually move away to the right by 30 degrees or so. In the distance a line of electricity pylons is visible, keep this in view as a rough aim.
The path moves away from the fence and joins a more pronounced one.. This swings towards the pylons and then joins a bigger track.. Follow this and until under the pylons where a clear larger track comes in from the right, (SO 022 425). Follow this to come out on the B4520, (SO 020 431).
NOTE : Be careful to follow the Epynt Way back to the start of the walk at post 009 (SO 000 437). The Visitor Centre is signposted. It makes a good diversion but you will need to follow the road uphill , left from the Centre entrance to reach your car.
Turn left and follow the gravel track downhill until it turns sharply right. The Epynt Way goes straight on to go over sometimes marshy ground
Follow the EW back to the end of Section by the start, the Red Kite layby on the B4519.